
Reppen Vilson Arkitekter is an architectural practice founded in 2021 by Fabian Reppen and Samuel Vilson. We are based in Stockholm and Gothenburg and our interest extends across the entire spectrum of the built environment, from urban planning down to small scale building details and furniture. Our ambition is to make life better for people, regardless of scale and scope of the project. We believe that architecture should be both pleasant to interact with and curious to discover. Since the start, the office has been teaching and lecturing at Chalmers University of technology as an integral part of the architectural practice.

Fabian David Reppen is educated at Chalmers University of Technology and Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design. Fabian has previously worked for Herzog & de Meuron and Nadén Arkitektur.

Samuel Vilson is educated at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Parsons School of Design in New York and Chalmers University of Technology. Samuel has previously worked for Tham & Videgård Arkitekter.


Reppen Vilson Arkitekter AB

Karlbergsvägen 14
113 27 Stockholm

Föreningsgatan 2
411 27 Göteborg




Fabian David Reppen - Architect
073 - 511 92 49

Samuel Vilson - Architect
070 - 248 64 82

240905 - Höstrevy, Stockholms Arkitektförening

Today we will be presenting our proposal for the new Water Tower in Hemmesta at Stockholm Arkitektförening's Höstrevy

240520 - Hemmesta Water Tower, Project start

Today we gathered on-site together with representatives from Värmdö Municipality to begin the initial planning work for the detailed development plan.

240325 - STHLMNYC, Architecture Matters

Reppen Vilson is one of seven swedish architectural practices invited to participate in the ongoing series of conversations called Architecture Matters initiated by STHLMNYC in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Platform and the AIA Pittsburgh. https://www.sthlmnyc.org/program/

240122 - Tävlingsvinst!! // Competition win!!

We are happy to announce that our proposal - Samothrake - has been awarded first prize in the open competition for a new water tower in Hemmesta, Värmdö. We are excited and looking forward to develop the project together with Värmdö kommun!

240105 - Villa Kungsbacka, Site Visit

Today we visited the site for a new project in Kungsbacka.

231025 - Guest teachers, Chalmers

During this term's second period we will be participating as guest teachers for third year students at Chalmers Arkitektur. The task is to develop a complex public building within an urban context, where space, program and structure is organized into an artistic whole.

230825 - Summerhouse Lisö, Building permit approved

Building permit has been granted for our summerhouse project in Lisö!

230615 - Fritidshus Kolmården, Site visit

Today we visited the site for a new project in Kolmården.

230525 - Villa Asknäs, Under construction

The masonry of the northern facade on its way up.

230223 - Site visit, Lisö

Today we visited the site for a new project at Lisö.

230209 - Villa Asknäs, Procurement completed

Construction of Villa Asknäs at Ekerö soon to start.

230120 - Site visit, Orust

Today we visited the site for a new project at Orust.

230109 - Apartment renovation, Vasastan

Ongoing project. New wall panels, shelf, color scheme, restaurated floor and furniture.

221108 - Guest teachers, Chalmers

During this term's second period we will be participating as guest teachers for third year students at Chalmers Arkitektur. The task is to develop a complex public building within an urban context, where space, program and structure is organized into an artistic whole.

220908 - Villa Asknäs, Building permit approved

Building permit has been granted for the extension and reconstruction of Villa Asknäs at Ekerö!

220830 - Lecture, Chalmers

Today we held a lecture at Chalmers as part of an introductory lecture series for first year architectural students.

220601 - Villa Näset, Under construction

Masonry work of top floor soon to be finished. Window installations about to begin this week.

220419 - Site visit, Ekerö

Today we visited the site for a new villa project at Ekerö.

220408 - Apartment renovation, Vasastan

Renovation of a 19th century apartment in Vasastan. Construction work starting this week.

220316 - Villa Näset, Under construction

Prefabricated conrete stair is now delivered and mounted. Preparations for casting of the second floor now in progress.

220222 - Sauna, Stockholm archipelago

Visualization from an ongoing project in the Stockholm archipelago

220211 - Site visit, Saltsjöbaden

Today we visited the site for a new project in Saltsjöbaden. Great lake view!

220120 - Villa Näset, Under construction

The concrete foundation poured this morning is now drying before undergoing further treatment.

220106 - Summerhouse Lisö, Under construction

Our transformation project of Summerhouse Lisö is beginning to take shape.

211115 - Guest teachers, Chalmers

During this term's second period we will be participating as guest teachers for third year students at Chalmers Arkitektur. The task is to develop a complex public building within an urban context, where space, program and structure is organized into an artistic whole.

211114 - Site visit, Stenungsund

We will be working on an extension of Villa Gläntan at Stenungsön by architect Gustav Elliot, built in 1915. The building is part of a culturally and historically valuable area at Norra Stenungsön.

211112 - Presentation, Stadsbyggnadskontoret

Kicking off the week-end with a presentation of our thesis project concerning a Nobel Center at Slussen. The presentation is directed to the Stockholm Urban Planning unit and held on site in the iconic Glashuset.

211020 - Service stations, Stockholm archipelago

Together with Region Stockholm we will develop small service stations whose purpose is to promote bicycle tourism in the Stockholm archipelago. The service stations will be constructed in wood, utilizing traditional types of joinery and craftsmanship.

210923 - Villa Näset, Construction start

Construction phase of Villa Näset has finally begun! The steep site is now cleared.

210915 - Så byggdes husen, Technical illustrations

We are contributing with technical illustrations for a revised version of the book Så byggdes husen 1880-2020.

210910 - Summerhouse Lisö, Building permit approved

The building permit for an extension and reconstruction of summerhouse Lisö outside of Nynäshamn is now approved. Construction will start later this fall.

210908 - Guest teachers, Chalmers

This month we are participating as guest teachers in a course for first year architectural students at Chalmers.

210906 - Site visit, Sollentuna

Site visit for a new project in Sollentuna. Strong presence of cliffs, water and greenery.

210831 - Lecture, Chalmers

We have been invited to give a lecture at Chalmers as part of an introductory lecture series for first year architectural students.

210611 - Presentation, Nobelstiftelsens hus

We are honored to be invited to Nobelstiftelsens hus at Sturegatan 14 for a presentation of our thesis project in which we have investigated how a Nobel Center could be configured at the new site near stadsgårdskajen in Stockholm.

210523 - Site visit, Nynäshamn

Today we visited the site for a new project outside of Nynäshamn!

210310 - Villa Näset, Building permit approved

The building permit for Villa Näset has been approved! Looking forward to the detailing and construction phase starting later this year.

2211_A Small House

Stockholm, Sweden

This 30m2 house is situated in a densely built Stockholm suburb. The client, a family of five, wished for an additional living space as a complement to their family house. The program was simple; one large shared space, the basal functions for everyday living, and a small storage. While the program was clear the physical preconditions were somewhat contradictory. The client wished for a small building containing a volumous space as well as generous window partitions with little insight from the adjacent neighbors.

As a response we proposed a house somewhat sunken down into the ground, completely shut off from its context in two out of four directions. This act of pushing the building into the ground made it possible to get a generous space on the inside, while decreasing its appearance on the outside and at the same time generating a kind of protected space defined by a solid concrete plinth. One small window is placed to the west overlooking the treetops, and one large window to the north, facing the main building.

2412_Hemmesta Water Tower

Värmdö, Sweden
Competition entry
1st prize

More info to come

2219_Church Nordhavn

Copenhagen, Denmark
Competition proposal, 2022

This tiny church was developed within the frames of an open competition. The competition was of somewhat contradictory character. The church was to hold activities of both sacred and profane activities. It was to be neutral in appearance while at the same time clearly manifesting itself as a sacred building. It was to be site specific to the industrial area in Nordhavn now under development, while at the same time be possible to move to a new site in the future.

The proposal consists of three separate structures, modular in their singularity, specific in their positioning on the site and relation to one another. An entrance roof, a tower and a flexible indoor space. Together they give form to an outdoor space. Individually the tower announces the building to its surrounding, crowned with a cross on its top. The roof gives form to a covered, accessible entrance and a buffer zone between the outside and the inside and the flexible space is just that, a flexible space.

To keep costs at a minimum all joints are left visible, all structures are placed on plinths and built up out of standard dimensioned material components.

2008_Villa Näset

Gothenburg, Sweden
Completed, 2021-2023

This 400m2 house stands in a versatile housing area along the west coast of Gothenburg. The site is a kind of leftover, in between-space, till this day unexploited due to its vast height differences. As a way of handling the site's terrain and creating a visual connection to the ocean we decided to divide the house into two two-story high building blocks. As the leftover space that is the site, its boundary limits are of a most peculiar form. In order to get good access to daylight and to not destroy the existing landscape we aligned the two blocks with the property boundaries of the site. The two blocks are joined together in their first and second level respectively, creating a connection to the street level at the bottom and a generous terrace with ocean view at the top.

Groundwork will be carried out later this year.

2101_Nobel Center

Stockholm, Sweden
Thesis project - CTH & KTH, 2021

This proposal for a Nobel Center at Stadsgårdskajen sits nearby one of the main public hubs in Stockholm. The detail plan, originally designed for a quadri-partite office building, should now give form to The Nobel Center, a public building of both local and global concern. We felt it was important that the Nobel Center should be read as one building rather than four as suggested by the detail plan, and that a building on this plot should be of clearly public character. The building is intended for daily use gathering the different activities of the Nobel Foundation and suggests a building functioning as a kind of science- and cultural hub to promote knowledge and curiosity. The annual festivities will remain in Konserthuset, Stadshuset and Oslo, a way to honor the long tradition of the Nobel Prize. The building's load bearing structure is primarily made of wood; vacuum pressed CLT elements together with turned oak columns as vertical structure and CLT rib deck panels as horizontal structure. The internal structure is built up by six load bearing elements, one for each Nobel Prize category; four large wooden cylinders, one spiral staircase and a singular steel column. These elements pierces the floor slabs and allows for continuous spaces connecting the building's various activities. A café in the lower quay level, together with a restaurant and rooftop terrace at the upper level, ties the building together with public functions from top to bottom. Between these levels there is room for exhibition spaces, conference areas, educational areas and office spaces.

2001_Round Table III

Oiled Birch, 2020

This three legged table in solid birch was designed for a private client in Stockholm. As often in bigger cities the client lives on short time contracts often having to move between different apartments. The apartments are regularly constituted of one space where sleeping, eating and socializing is taking place in the same space generating a combination of seating heights and body positions. As a result we felt that the table ought to do two things; be pleasant to look at regardless of eye height and body position and be demountable when time comes to move again. We therefore proposed a three legged round table, directionless in form and irregular in appearance, joined together with hidden built in threaded bolts.

Photos: Nordlings Antik

2005_House with Two Lofts

Askersund, Sweden
Proposal, 2020

This wooden leisure house was designed as an idea project for modular housing. The objective was to design a one story wooden building of 55m2 with a loft for extra accommodations. We felt it was important, despite the size of the house, to create a sense of generosity. We decided to split the loft in two, making room for one large space separating the lofts. Though separated vertically, the lofts are connected horizontally. As a way of creating a sense of common extended space between the lofts the house is perforated in four places by a circular hole, windows in facade and open connections to the main space inside.

1908_Lamminrahka School

Lamminrahka, Finland
Competition entry, 2019

This 14.000m2 school and centrum building was designed as part of the new city of Lamminrahka, Finland, in between Kangasala and Tampere. As part of the urban plan for Lamminrahka a school available for public use was planned as part of the city center. To delineate an appropriate proposal for the building an open competition was held in 2019. Much because of the location of the site, in the middle of a large forest, Lamminrahka has the potential to combine existing natural values with an urban cityscape. We felt it was important that the new building supports the urban spaces as well as assents natural qualities of the existing forest landscape. The site proposed for the new school is surrounded by a public square in southeast, a main road in the east, a sports field in the west and housing blocks in the north. The school was to host spaces for three separate school units from the age of two to fifteen and ought to be possible to use during evening hours and weekends for public events. Our approach was to divide the program of the school in two; one of more public character available for use by all the students during school hours and open for the public after school hours, and another of more intimate character with distinct spaces designated for the different school units. To support the urban spaces and leave space for untouched nature we decided to place the buildings towards the square in the south and along the mainroad in the east. Each school unit is organized in two square formed volumes, a total of six. To create a sense of belonging to each school unit the squares are shifted, creating entrance spaces towards the street as well as the school yard.

1906_Tyresta National Park

Stockholm, Sweden
Competition entry, 2019

This wooden foot-bridge was designed for the Swedish National Park in Tyresta. In order to generate better connections between the southern and northern parts of the park a competition was held to design a footbridge connecting the two. To get an understanding of the conditions of the site we decided to walk the planned route leading up to the bridge from each latitude. Here we realized two things. On the one hand the proposed pathways leading up to the bridge were not following the natural paths and landscape of the park, in turn generating a longer and more prominent bridge. We felt it was more appropriate to work with the conditions of the site, shortening the span of the bridge, and minimizing the impact on the landscape. This act still left the bridge with a span of 70 meters. To avoid any kind of “high way” feeling we designed the bridge in the form of an S. Much like the pathways of the park the spatial depth varies when walking down the bridge. In the concave spaces introduced by the S we placed seating areas, one looking down Nyforsviken, the other looking down Alby lake.

1904_Daybed Plywood

Birch Plywood, 2019

This small daybed in birch plywood was designed in 2019 for a private client in Stockholm. The client lives in a small apartment and wished for a cost-efficient daybed in wood as part of his living arrangement. We understood it would be important to keep costs down for both material and labour and therefore decided to limit our tools to a 2d-cnc mill and one sheet of birch plywood. With the use of the cnc we were able to create all parts of the daybed, including joints and perforation, in one run, no labour needed. The daybed is a combination of half in half and comb joints. No glue, screws or nails were needed leaving it demountable when moved.

1905_Helsingfors National Museum

Helsingfors, Finland
Competition entry, 2019

This one story brick building was designed as part of an open competition for the Finnish National Museum Extension in Helsinki in 2019. The preservative values of the main building and its surrounding park were high and the space program extensive. We felt it was necessary to keep the footprint of the extension as small as possible, whilst still keeping qualitative daylit spaces above ground. We decided to put all exhibition spaces, workshops, storages and connection to the existing building and infrastructure, and more, below ground. This left us with a restaurant and entrance space above ground. In order not to erase the main green space in the park and stay out of conflict with the expressive national romantic building that is the National Museum we proposed a simple rectangular block, aligning the site's northeast wall. To greet the visitors the block was given two gestures, one towards the street and the other towards the park.


Stockholm, Sweden
Competition entry, 2018
1st prize

This two story ice skating facility was designed as part of an open idea competition in 2018. The task was to envision how facilities for ice skating could be made available for a broader public. When probing the terrain for ice skating facilities of today one is presented with rather gloomy images; closed up one story sheds, often located in the outskirts of cities standing on a field of gravel. We felt a need for urbanizing the ice skating hall, making it a natural part of the urban cityscape, much like the way our cultural institutions are incorporated in the city. Moreover, the needs for ice skating facilities are increasing and the ice skating organizations are growing, generating a growing need for multiple ice rinks in the same location. As a way of giving the facilities a more urban scale we decided to stack two ice rinks on top of each other. With the intention of making the facilities more accessible for the inhabitants of the city the lower of the two halls is sunken down in the ground, making it visually accessible for bypassers on the street. To further attract the general public the facilities were complemented with an open activity square in connection to the main entrance and additional internal spaces more focused on cultural activities.

1802_Chair Ix

Foldable chair, 2018

This folding chair in oak was designed as a self-initiated project in 2018. We were under the impression that folding furniture in general was lacking one of two things. Either they weren't really flat when folded together, still making them spacious and impractical to store, or they weren't necessarily contributing anything to the space they occupied, a practical necessity more than anything. As a result we designed a chair rich in materiality; oak, brass and leather or linen fabric, that when folded together has a total width of 25mm.

1702_Stair Birkastan

Stockholm, Sweden
Completed, 2017

This oak stair was designed for a small family in the center of Stockholm. As the family grew larger a need for extra space occured. The solution was to extend the existing attic apartment with a smaller apartment on the level below. With a child on their way the couple was interested in the possibility of integrating extra storage in the stair. To avoid a solid stair reducing the spatial volume of the lower level we decided to treat the stair as two different components; a piece of furniture and a stair. The spatial configuration of the two levels called for a straight stair with a twist at the bottom, going along the one wall connecting the two levels. On the lower level we placed a fixed piece of furniture, with storage and seating, running along the full width of the wall. From the upper level we hung a stair, levitating above the furniture below. Though different in form and function the two pieces are treated as one in terms of materiality and expression.

2108_Summerhouse L Extension

Nynäshamn, Sweden
Completed, 2022

This extended and reconstructed summerhouse is located in Nynäshamn outside of Stockholm in a typical area of small sport cabins from the late 50's. The house, originally a small one space cabin, was extended in the mid 90's by its previous owner. The current owners now wished for more generous social areas. As the building had already been extended, and the possibilities for further extensions were limited by the site's regulations, we proposed a complete reconstruction of the main building's interior together with two additional spaces of 15m2 each. Following the logic of the original building, as well as its 1990's extension, one 15m2 space was added to each gable, extending the gable roof. 15m2 to the east allows for a more generous interior dining area whilst the 15m2 to the west makes for a covered outdoor terrace. Furthermore the extension as well as the existing west gable were provided with large foldable window sections, creating generous connections to the outdoor terraces.

2117_Urnes Verdensarvsenter

Urnes, Norway
Competition entry, 2021

This proposal for a world heritage center is situated at the foot of the historical Urnes Stave Church. The church illustrates how its times' craftsmanship and view of life can take shape in a building dedicated to the inhabitants of Urnes. A quality which makes it a natural part of an historical understanding of life at Urnes. This question of contemporary relevance came to be a present question when elaborating on the shapes, materials and spaces of a future world heritage center. The proposed center can be described as a transformation and adaptation of the existing landscape. Its terraces follow the heights of the site and the majority of the spaces are dug into the ground, creating generous exhibition spaces in the back whilst keeping the front with a view over the lake. The building is proposed in rammed earth with complementing reinforcements in steel. The earth being a natural asset which would otherwise need to be removed from the site.

2213_Villa Asknäs

Ekerö, Stockholm

Extension and reconstruction of a private villa on Ekerö. More info to come.

2209_Housing I

Ongoing project

Residential building in Stockholm, more info to come.


Malmö, Sweden
Parallel commission, 2024

This proposal was developed as a collaboration between Reppen Vilson, Tham Videgård (Lead Architect), and Kragh Berglund for a pre-qualified parallel commission for Wihlborgs Fastigheter, Malmö Stad and Malmö University.

More info to come

2302_Fritidshus Lisö

Lisö, Sweden

Under construction


Gothenburg, Sweden
Competition entry, 2024